Wednesday, April 27, 2011

And This from Michelle Rhee of Students First

Dear Michigan Member --

Michigan students are at risk of losing some of their very best teachers this year. We have an opportunity right now to change the state laws to save Michigan's great teachers. And we need your help.

The effectiveness of a teacher can have a tremendous impact on a child's future. Studies show a great teacher can yield three times as much learning as an ineffective teacher. In the short video below, I explain the harmful "last in, first out" (LIFO) policy that currently governs most layoff decisions in Michigan, where the last teacher hired is the first to be laid off, regardless of effectiveness. This policy is bad for students, teacher and schools. In the past few weeks, multiple states have passed laws ending this practice. Michigan has an opportunity to be on the leading edge of this national movement.

We need a groundswell of support so that lawmakers will hear loud and clear that Michigan demands policies that put students' interests first. We must keep Michigan's most effective teachers in the classroom. Please take a minute to watch this short video and hear me explain the use of LIFO policy in Michigan and it's impact on students. Then, share the video with your friends and ask them to join StudentsFirst.

The Michigan Legislature is considering legislation that will identify, reward and save Michigan's great teachers. This type of legislation would make great strides toward ensuring an excellent teacher in every Michigan classroom. We'll be in touch soon to let you know how you can be involved to make sure this legislation is passed and becomes law.

Education reform is coming to Michigan. Together we can make sure that Michigan puts students' interests first.

Thank you.

Michelle Rhee
CEO and Founder, StudentsFirst

Note: Students First

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